The Task Force is a village volunteer group which undertakes a variety of tasks - from litter picking, small scale strimming/pruning, footpath clearance and general tidying of village public spaces - all for the benefit of the community.

  • Are you interested in maintaining the presentation and preserving the general well-being of our village? Do you occasionally have a little spare time at your disposal? If so, you could be the ideal person to assist us.
  • We're particularly looking for volunteers with specific skills: carpenters, painters, diggers, gardeners, creative DIY types and even general factotums
  • However, your skills, interests and experience, age and gender are completely immaterial – if you are able to offer any help at all we would be glad to hear from you.

Task Force activities are solely planned for the benefit of the village, and each volunteer's time is required only occasionally. If you would like to help us keep Great Maplestead a pleasant place to live - and would be willing every now and again to volunteer your time and/or skills - please contact:

Rob Brudenall, the Task Force Leader: