The Parish Clerk is the first point of contact for any queries or information:

Ann Crisp, Great Maplestead Parish Clerk

New House, St Giles Close, Great Maplestead, Essex CO9 2RW
Tel: 01787 460 216 or e-mail:

Please contact by e-mail wherever possible, or by telephone, between 4.00 p.m. and 6.00 p.m. Mondays to Thursdays

The Clerk is also the Statutory and Responsible Finance Officer employed by the Council and is responsible for implementing Council decisions. The Clerk's Job Description, Role and Responsibilities can be found here.

The Great Maplestead Parish Councillors Register of Interests can be found here.


PARISH COUNCILLORS AND THEIR RESPONSIBILITIES (click the e-mail address to contact):

Steve Harris      

Chairman. Communications (Newsletter/Website/Social Media), Footpaths, Projects, Personnel Committee.

The Forge, Lucking Street, Gt. Maplestead, Essex CO9 2RE

 01787   462 818

Simon Last      

Vice-Chairman. Financial Overview, Neighbourhood/Local PlanningProjecs/Funding, Personnel Committee.

Barretts Hall, Gt. Maplestead, Essex CO9 2QX

 01787   462 957

Rob Brudenell



Highways/Road Safety, Task Force/Litter Picking Co-ordination, Public Transport.

Barretts Hall Cottage, Gt.Maplestead, Essex CO9 2QX

 01787 829 524
Ian Johnson      

Neighbourhood Watch Representative, Local Police Liaison, Personnel Committee.

Pink Cottage, Purls Hill, Gt. Maplestead, Essex CO9 2QX

 01787   461 109
Barry Vincent      

Planning Overview, Council Risk Assessments, National Grid Liaison, Community/Church Liaison.

The Rectory, Church Street, Gt. Maplestead, Essex CO9 2RG

 07740   067 329

Joe Newton      

Emergency Response Co-ordination, Playing Field Maintenance, Car Parks, Tree Warden.

Springwells, Lucking Street, Gt Maplestead, Essex CO9 2RE

 01787   461 308
Dorothy Weight      

Care in the Community, Cost of Living Support, Environmental/Ecological Monitoring, Projects, Planning.

1 Stone Cottages, Church Street, Gt. Maplestead, Essex CO9 2RG

 01787   461 643