Regular Events

  Wednesdays 10.30am - 12 noon 

Coffee Mornings in St Giles' Church. Everyone is invited for coffee in the Deane Chapel (or outside in the Churchyard, if the weather is good). There is no charge - this is a social get-together, not a fundraiser. Also, we now serve coffee after all our regular services, so please join us if you can.

                    [Information about the Church Services and other church-related events can be found here]

Tuesdays 7.00pm - 8.00pm

Legs, Bums & Tums in the Village Hall. All over body toning. Fun and friendly class, suitable for all ages and abilities. Mats/light hand weights provided. £5 per class/pay as you go. Contact Lorraine Sutton (07488 281 671) or see poster here.

Wednesdays 9.30am - 10.30am

Dance & Keep Fit Classes in the Village Hall, specifically tailored for individual needs... Cost is £40 per term (for a 10-week term) or £5 per week on the door. More details here.


Please check with the respective providers for information about any changes to the above arrangements.

Diary Dates




Saturday 22nd February

Maple Leaves present A Curry and Cards Evening in aid of Cancer UK in the Village Hall. Doors open 7.00pm Starts 7.30pm. Tickets £12.50 each from Carol Brownlie (07756 803 975). BYO drinks and glasses. Poster here

Thursday 13th March*

Maple Leaves present Art and Halstead in the Village HallGuest Speaker, local artist Malcolm Root, left school at sixteen and trained as a printing apprentice with a view to a career in design and typography. He became a full time artist in 1981 and was later elected as a full member of the Guild of Railway Artists. In 2010 he was given the prestigious title of Fellow by the Guild. Doors open 7.00pm. Talk starts 7.30pm. Members (free) & Guests (£3) welcome! Poster here.

*Please note change of date

Thursday 27th March

Gardeners’ Question Time in the Vilage Hall - a light-hearted Q&A with a local gardening guru to prepare for the Autumn Show. Starts 7.00pm. There’ll be wine, tea, coffee, nibbles and a raffle. Admission £1. More details from Carol Brownlie (461 527)

Monday 21st April

Easter Village Walk. Meet at 11.00am in car park. Cost: £2.50/person. Dogs & children free. Half-way drinks + refreshments.

Thursday 8th May

VE Day - 80th Anniversary. More details nearer the time



















Information and reports on previous events can be found below: