Maplestead Magna Miglia – July 2024

Seven teams from across the parish congregated on 21st July at Great Maplestead Village Hall for breakfast and a briefing before departing in a variety of vehicles to search for the answers to 21 of 28 clues randomly distributed around the local area.

This third running of the Navigational Scatter – re-launched due to popular demand following a 4-year hiatus initially caused by the pandemic then work on events such as the playing field fund-raising fete, the Platinum Jubilee and last year’s Coronation Celebrations – once again tested the map-reading (and question-reading!) abilities of many of the teams. Even though they were never more than 5 miles from the Village Hall, some managed to visit parts of Essex that they hadn't previously known existed...

The Brudenell Benzez The MaGnA MiGliA Lasts The Watson-Roots Collective The Crisp-Purdy Partnership
Buster and his Buddies The Smiling Surgetts The Tindall Tank Crew             The Winners!

None of the teams managed to correctly answer all the 21 questions required, so victory went to the Tindall Tank Crew who, by getting 20 answers right, succeeded in besting the 2019 champions, the Watson-Roots Collective.

Congratulations to Claire, Charles & Helen on their win – proud holders of a brand new trophy, kindly provided by Martin & Jo (because they lost the previous one!).

Many thanks to Ann & Liz, the catering team, who sourced and provided the continental breakfast and lunchtime refreshments and to Peter & Hetta for helping with setting up the Hall and the scoring.

From the positive follow-up comments received from all the participants after the event, everyone appeared to have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and seem keen to do it all over again next year…


Inter-Village Boules Challenge June 2024

This long-anticipated Challenge Match took place on the Boules court on Sunday 30th June, once Great Maplestead had eventually managed to assemble a team prepared to defend its 2022 title.

The challengers, Gestingthorpe, professed not to have played before but arrived with a suspiciously intimate knowledge of the rules and scoring system.

After the first six, low-scoring, ends it was level-pegging at 3 points each and even after nine ends Gestingthorpe, on 5, were only 1 point to the good. However, a 3-pointer in the ninth game put them 4 points in front and they secured their win with 2 points in the tenth game to run out 13-7 winners.

Congratulations to Steve & Penny Bagby and Lindsey & David Smith (pictured with the trophy and their prize) on their win and for contributing to an enjoyable social afternoon. A return fixture, possibly in another discipline, is promised…


D-Day 80 Commemoration - June 2024

Great Maplestead’s Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D-Day on 6th June got underway at 6.30pm with the bells of St Giles’ Church ringing out for peace.

An hour or so later nearly 100 people from the parish and surrounding villages gathered in the suitably decorated Village Hall for a Fish and Chip Supper, provided by The Hook, Halstead. Why fish and chips? Well, in addition to being a ‘protected national dish’ in WWII, during the Normandy landings soldiers who needed a way of telling whether someone nearby was a friend or foe would reportedly use the words fish and chips as a code – one would call ‘fish’ and, if the other was a friend, they would reply ‘chips’.

After the meal the Maplesteads’ Singers, ably conducted by Jo Watson, treated the assembled diners to a well-rehearsed rendition of morale-boosting WWII songs, with the audience enthusiastically singing along while tucking into birthday girl Ann Harris’s delicious chocolate brownies.

Later, presentations were made to Jo and Ann Crisp (far left) in recognition of their sterling efforts, along with their ‘A-Team’ of willing volunteers (near left), in organising this very special evening, which raised nearly £180 for SSAFA, the Armed Forces Charity.

Later on people filed out into the calm, quiet evening air, their glasses charged with fizz, for the 9.15pm Beacon Lighting ceremony. A tribute to the fallen was read by Charles Tindall, followed by a toast to their memory. The Last Post, played expertly by Martin Elms, preceded a communal singing of the National Anthem, bringing what had been a most memorable village occasion to an appropriately fitting close.


Coronation Path Opening - June 2023

Pupils and teachers from St Giles’ School gathered on the last day of the summer term to ‘officially’ open the village playing field’s Coronation Path, which will now double as a track for the children’s ‘Daily Mile’ exercise.

After ‘cutting’ the ceremonial ribbon, the entire school streamed onto the 0.2 mile path that winds around the field for their inaugural 5-lap mile.

Completed in June as part of the playing field’s Development Project, the new path’s cushioned rubber mulch surface reduces stress on joints when walking or running and is already in regular use by villagers as a convenient adult exercise facility.

By providing level, unobstructed access to all areas of the field, the path also enables everyone, of any ability – children, adults, walkers, runners, joggers, people with pushchairs or those using mobility aids, wheelchairs and mobility scooters – to fully enjoy this unique village amenity.


Coronation Celebrations - May 2023

The Saturday evening Royal Variety Performance extravaganza was the centrepiece of the weekend's Coronation celebrations - excerpts from the show can be found here.

There were tea and cakes in the Church on Sunday afternoon, which saw the winners of the 'Cake Fit For A King' and 'Best Decorated House/Garden' competitions presented with their prizes. Pictures and more details can be found here.

The weekend was rounded off on Monday afternoon with games on the playing field and the official opening of the new play area, the first part of the Parish Council's £110,000 Playing Field Development Project to be completed. The occasion saw the presentation of a National Lottery Community Fund cheque for £75.000 from the Development Project Working Party to the Council Chairman, after which the ribbon was cut and children flooded into the play area to try out the new adventure play equipment. Excerpts from the opening can be seen here.


Fifth Advent Windows/Gardens Display - December 2022 

This event once again brought some much-needed brightness and joy to the days before Christmas, with the seasonally-themed displays around the village being launched and lit sequentially during the December days of Advent. Pictures of all the displays can be found here.


Platinum Jubilee - June 2022

As with many parishes, towns & cities across the UK, Great Maplestead began its Platinum Jubilee weekend of festivities with a beacon lighting ceremony.

This was the first ever such event in the parish and the beacon was also unique, designed and crafted as it was by resident Martin Watson. Thanks to Martin Watson & Joe Newton for their thought & workmanship in creating and siting the beacon for everyone to enjoy.

All who attended enjoyed a free glass of fizz, kindly donated by the Parish Council, and a slice of Platinum Jubilee tart baked by several parishioners, following a recipe designed specifically for the occasion.

Jubilee 1  Jubilee 2  Jubilee 3  Jubilee 4 


The beacon lighting itself was announced by the bugle call, “Majesty”, played on the trumpet by Martin Elms. As dusk turned to night the beacon was lit at 9.45pm, accompanied by a new song for the Commonwealth, “A Life Lived With Grace”, sung exquisitely by resident Catriona Martin.

It was a truly memorable evening, drawing a crowd in excess of 100 people.

Friday morning saw a reflection on the 70-year reign of Queen Elizabeth II at a service of thanksgiving at St Giles Church. Rev. Beverley focused on how, throughout her reign, the Queen has always managed a smile for all. Following the service parishioners were invited to stay for refreshments and to view the wonderful visual display of “70 Years of Great Maplestead History”, in the Tower Room.

In the evening villagers met for a party at the Village Hall, which had been beautifully decorated with some wonderful new designs from the Knitting Circle. The evening included a delicious lamb spit-roast (courtesy of Joe Newton and his team of helpers) followed by strawberries and cream. As the evening progressed revellers danced to music from across 7 decades, accompanied by some rather exuberant singing towards the end! Thanks to the Beer Festival crew for running the bar and, after the past 2 years, it was just wonderful to see people from the village getting together and enjoying themselves once again.

The final day of celebrations on Sunday 5th June saw events slightly modified, due to inclement weather, but the hardy souls of Great Maplestead did not let this get in the way of an afternoon of fun, games and a picnic both inside and outside at the Village Hall.

Jubilee 5

The afternoon began with a jovial Morris Dance ‘performance’ from The Maplestead Mincers, a surprisingly agile and synchronised group of unlikely dancers! They created a lively atmosphere, with audience participation, which fed nicely into the ‘It’s a Royal Knockout’ games.

Four teams, consisting of a mixture of children and adults, competed for the coveted prize of a Platinum Jubilee medal but, more than this – pride was at stake! The games were highly competitive, with families competing against each other. The crowd were entertained by some “interesting” Welly Wanging, Royal Waiters sabotaged by opposing teams, Royal Space-Hopper Polo and fast and furious Corgi Racing, to name but a few, all of which were compèred by the ‘Queen’ (aka Keith Brownlie).

Jubilee 6Congratulations to Alison & Phil Cantor, winners of the village 'Royal Scarecrow' competition with their display of Elizabeth I. They were presented with a prize of a family hamper (kindly donated by Stuart & Zoe Putt). All the scarecrows around the village were a joy to see, with some clever and humorous creations – well done everybody!

The village looked spectacular, with all the various floral displays, bunting and flags and hopefully everyone enjoyed the wonderful feature displays, making use of some old farm machinery and some imaginative creative work. These will stay in place for everyone to enjoy throughout the summer.

Finally, heartfelt thanks to all who helped with Jubilee planning, organisation and creation. There were so many who were involved – however, a special word of thanks must go to the lovely ladies of the Platinum Jubilee Committee, without whom none of these events and village displays would have happened. They worked tirelessly for the benefit of everyone: Liz Newton, Patsy Maile, Zoe Putt, Jo Watson & Claire Tindall.

A full weekend of ceremony, fun and friendship - just as Her Majesty would have wished...


EVW 22

Easter Village Walk - April 2022

Some 40-odd people (and a number of dogs) gathered on a warm Easter Monday for a 4-mile walk though the local countryside, with bluebell displays, lambs, a red kite sighting and a usually off-limits view of the village to enjoy.

The walk finished with refreshments and nibbles at the Village Hall.


Fourth Advent Windows/Gardens Display - December 2021

This event once again brought some much-needed brightness and joy to the days before Christmas, with the seasonally-themed displays around the village being launched and lit sequentially during the December days of Advent. Pictures of all the displays can be found by copying the Facebook link below into your browser: 


Harvest & Winter Village Walks - October and December 2021

Two further walks to raise money towards the Playing Field Project were held towards the end of a year in which few other events were able to take place. The walks were both very well-attended and together raised a further £100, edging the total project funds raised to date to nearly £30,000!


Playing Field Family Fun(d) Day - August 2021

An afternoon of fun and fundraising marked the official launch of the Parish Council’s ambitious £55,000 Playing Field Development Project.

Beautiful weather and the first chance to attend an outdoor social event in well over a year attracted hundreds of people to enjoy a summer fête featuring dancing, displays, light-hearted competitive activities and a fun dog show.

The Fun(d) Day afternoon, which raised over £1,400, was introduced by a striking display of Morris dancing from Hells Belles (right), while various fun events and old-school games were dotted around the field, attracting lots of interest.

Some, such as the Coconut Shy, Tin-Can Alley, the Golden Goal, Golf Driving, Splat the Rat and Bowling for a Pig, required real skill – others, such as the mystery Guess Who? and Estimate the Number of Sweets in a Jar needed a bit of luck to win. The quirky Human Fruit Machine also provided much entertainment.

By far the biggest attraction of the afternoon though was the Fun Dog Show – never before have so many waggy tails been seen parading round the Playing Field! Nine different classes drew a huge entry of over 75 dogs from the village, Colchester, Sudbury, Hadleigh and even further afield.

Support for the dog show came from Platinum Pet Foods, Burns Natural Foods, and Fish 4 Dogs, while individual classes were generously sponsored by a number of local businesses, vets, kennels, pet food stores and personal donors.

The top three dogs in each class, judged by Jessica Reynolds from Mulberry Vets at Henny, won rosettes and a selection of goodies – even dogs that were not prize-winners received a ‘well done’ rosette and goodie bag. The top dog in each class competed for Best in Show, which was won by Boris, a handsome cockapoo handled by Darcey Jeggo (left), who had previously won Best Young Handler.

A great deal of interest was also shown in the Dog Agility display, while Pets as Therapy and Guide Dogs representatives were also present, welcoming an opportunity to attend the event and talk about the work of their charities.

A Face Painting booth was busy all afternoon and the Council’s display illustrating its playing field plans – and the recently installed picnic benches and Boules Court – prompted much interest and discussion.

The WI run refreshment area, offering teas, coffees and cakes, and the Beer Festival team’s tent provided places to sit, drink and relax and both did a roaring trade all afternoon, aided no doubt by the warm sunshine – the Jam Shed and Aaron Whippy’s ice-cream van also looked to be doing good business.

The fête conclusively demonstrated why the Playing Field – which provides a safe, open space for residents, their children and grand-children to gather, relax and socialise with friends and neighbours – is such an important asset for the village.

The Parish Council wishes to thank all the participants and volunteers who, both before and during the afternoon, helped make this Fun(d) Day such a resounding success.


Mid-Summer Village Walk - June 2021

A combination of the tail-end of the Covid-19 pandemic and poor weather prevented many village activities from taking place in early 2021. However, some 40+ people (and lots of dogs) enjoyed getting out towards the end of June for a communal stroll around the parish environs, with a traditional break for refreshments half way round.


The walk succesfully managed to raise £110 towards the village's ambitious Playing Field Development Project, which is intended to upgrade the playground equipment and also improve access to, and the facilities on, the playing field itself.


Third Advent Windows Spectacular - December 2020

After a year in which there was little to celebrate and very little social activity, this event was revived to bring some much-needed brightness and joy to the days before Christmas, with seasonally-themed displays around the village being launched and lit sequentially during the December days of Advent...

XW 1  XW 2  XW 3  XW 4 
 Village Tree  Hark The Herald Angels Sing  White Christmas  Winter Wonderland
XW 5 XW 6
 We Three Kings  O Little Town of Bethlehem
XW 7A  XW 7B  XW 7C  XW 8 
 It's Begining...  ...To Look A Lot...  ...Like Christmas  O Christmas Tree
XW 9 XW 10 XW 11 XW 12
 Following Yonder Star  Colourful Christmas Trees  Snowballs  Let It Snow
XW 13 XW 14 XW 15
 In The Bleak Midwinter  Walking In A Winter Wonderland  Ding Dong Merrily...
XW 16A XW 16B XW 16C XW 17 
 While Shepherds...  ...Washed Their Socks..., Watched Their Flocks  Twinkle Twinkle...
XW 18 XW 19 
 The Polar Express  We Saw Three Ships Come Sailing By
XW 20  XW 21  XW 22 
 Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree  This Little Light of Mine  Dancing Around The Tree
XW 23A  XW 23B  XW 24 
 The Holly...  ...and The Ivy  Hope, Peace & Love


The full calendar is below for reference:

XW Calendar


Christmas Village Walk - December 2019

XVW Dec19

Around 40 parishioners (and a great many dogs!) took part in a bracing Christmas Walk around the environs of Great Maplestead the day after Boxing Day.

Thanks must go to everyone involved in the preparation and organisation of the food and the provision of the 'half-way' and full-time 'refreshments', which were enjoyed by all.


Maplestead Magna Miglia - June 2019

Ten teams from across The Maplesteads congregated at Great Maplestead Village Hall for breakfast and a briefing before setting off in a disparate range of vehicles to search for the answers to 21 of 28 clues randomly distributed across the local area.

This second running of the Navigational Scatter once again tested the map-reading (and question-reading!) abilities of many of the teams, some visiting parts of Essex that they hadn't known existed...

Only two teams managed to answer the required 21 questions correctly and victory went to the Watson Collective who, albeit only narrowly, succeeded in besting last year's champions, Little Maplestead’s Morris Men & Ladies.

ns 1 ns 2 ns 3
 1. The Morris Men & Ladies, last year's winners  2. The Watson Collective  3. The Purdy/Crisp Partnership
ns 4 ns 5 ns 6
 4. The still Smiling Surgetts  5. The Tindall Tank Crew  6. The Breeds & Dorothy
ns 7 ns 8 ns 9
 7. The Kent House Krew  8. The Turner Two  9. The Mills Machine & Denise
ns 10 ns 11 ns 12
 10. The Jills' Jaunt  Jo, Karen, Andy & Martin receiving the trophy  The Jills, winners of the 'Least Points' Award
ns 13
 The magnificent trophy off to its new home...


Congratulations to Karen & Andy and Jo & Martin on their win and commiserations to Bill, Bruce and the Janes - so near yet so far!

Thanks to the test team, Ian & Su, for ironing out a few of the question anomalies beforehand and to Ann, Thelma & Louise, the catering team, who provided the excellent breakfast and lunchtime refreshments.

From the positive follow-up comments received from all the participants after the event, everyone appeared to have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and seem keen to do it all over again next year…


The 7th Annual Beer Festival - May 2019

This May Bank Holiday weekend event just gets bigger and better! Rain interrupted some of the Saturday outdoor events but nobody really minded - much beer was drunk and dancing had. Roll on the 2020 session!

BF 19 1


BF 19 2


  Some of the organisers started sampling the brews early...

BF 19 3
BF 19 4  BF 19 5  BF 19 6
Hells Belles got some dances in before the rain...  Maldon Morris Men under glowering skies  Rain didn't stop play - Hells Belles danced indoors


Easter Village Walk - April 2019

Around 50 people assembled at the Village Hall on a very warm and sunny Easter Monday for a 4-mile walk acround some of Great Maplestead's delightful countryside - beautiful in the spring - experiencing some newly emerged bluebells, lambs, deer and a variety of other wildlife on the way. An alfresco picnic lunch was the perfect way to round off a lovely event...

EVEW 19 1 EVEW 19 1A EVW 19 2 EVW 19 3 
Descending the first of many hills...  The bluebells were magnificent!  The winding trail through the woods... ...led to a stroll through the fields...
EVW 19 5   EVW 19 6   EVW 19 7   EVW 19 8
...during which lambs were seen.   Alongside the Colne to Hulls Mill.   The alfresco picnic afterwards...   ...was well received!


Churchyard Clear-up - April 2019

Early in the month a large group of volunteers gathered to help rake leaves, chop branches, clear debris and strim overgrowth from the churchyard, tidy up some of the graves and smarten up the Garden of Remembrance. Within a couple of hours they had the place looking well-cared for and a credit to the village. Many thanks to everyone who took part - and to those who provided the most welcome refreshments!

Attacking the overgrowth with gusto...  Bill looking rakish... Martin's barrowload was a bit bigger... ...than Keith's effort!
CYCU 6    CYCU 7  CYCU 8  CYCU 9
David was the Firemaster. Konrad barrowing stones  to smarten up the Garden of Remembrance.  The volunteers taking a well-earned break.


World War 1 Centenary Commemoration - November 2018

The Village Hall was packed with more than 70 people who came along to support the Maplesteads' Great War Centenary event, an Old-Time Music Hall style show with proceeds going to the Royal British Legion. As well as being a joyful celebration of the end of the war, the evening also included a respectful commemoration of those from the Maplesteads who lost their lives in the conflict.

WW1 1

WW1 2

The crowd arrives and begins to assemble...



WW1 3

The Catering Corps discuss the food...



WW1 4

..while everyone got into the swing of things.



WW1 5

WW1 6

A short film of the lead-up to war preceded the live acts


WW1 7

Nadine was the Mistress of Ceremonies


WW1 8 WW1 9 WW1 10 WW1 11
Sara and Jo duetted on 'Granny was a Suffragette'... ...whilst Tim regaled us with a rather tall story. Konrad read Henry V's Agincourt speech... ...whilst Kevin & Gaynor did a 'ventriloquism' act!

WW1 12

WW1 13

WW1 13A

WW1 14

The Maplesteads'Minstrels led the community singing Konrad and Martin C were the Two Tommies Janice and Bob ran the lights, the sound and the AV sequences. The audience joined in enthusiastically with the community singing
WW1 15 WW1 16  
The Maplesteads' Roll of Honour - commemorating those who died in the conflict  Where those who died fell...  
WW1 16 WW1 18

Steve & Martin E presenting a cheque for £915.83 to Malcolm Firman, Chairman of the Hedingham & District Royal British Legion


Harvest Village Walk - October 2018 

Some 40-odd intrepid walkers, children and dogs set off on a 4-mile tour of the parish and its environs undauted by a less-than-favourable weather forecast. Fortunately the rain held off and the temperature remaind mild until the Village Hall was reached on the party's return, when drinks and snacks were consumed with alacrity.

HW1  HW2 
The long, long trail awinding...  ...through the water meadows by the brook
hw3 hw4
 As usual, there were lots of stops for chatting...  ...and then Gaynor spotted thehalf-way drinks barn!


Autumn Show - September 2018 

Many from the Maplesteads' once more enjoyed the annual opportunity for some friendly competition in growing, making, cooking and photographing things...

Pic 1  Pic 2 
 The Autumn Show Committee with the Radio Essex presenters  Children were well represented in the cooking and handicrafts classes...
Pic 3 Pic 4
 ...and also made interesting things out of tree debris  The afternoon judging took place before the public were let in
Pic 5 Pic 6 Pic 7
 The independent judges were very diligent  Some of the tapestry entries were astounding...  .. as were the winning flower arrangements
Pic 8 Pic 9
 Local artists were well-represented, with some delightful pictures  Jean (right) won the Autumn Show Trophy, presented by Ann


 A list of the various prize-winners can be found here.


Maplestead Magna Miglia - July 2018

Teams from across The Maplesteads congregated at the Village Hall for breakfast and a briefing before setting off in their cars to find the answers to 21 out of 28 questions randomly dotted around the local area. This inaugural Navigational Scatter tested the map-reading (and question-reading!) abilities of some of the teams but all arrived back safely and in a timely manner for lunch and the prize-giving, everyone having enjoyed the experience of seeing parts of Essex that some hadn't known existed... 

Signing on Team 1 Team 2 
 Signing on and the queue for croissants...  Sophie, Julie and Paul plotting their route  The Roots' and Watsons' Mean Machine!
Team 3 Team 4  Team 5 
 Bill, Bruce & the Janes in more sedate style...  Kevin and Gaynor looking happy...  Liz & Lyn - aka Thelma & Louise - setting off...
Team 6 Team 7  Team 8 
 More smiles from the Purdys...  Angela & Michael before running low on fuel  Julie seaching for the ignition in her new car...
The Trophy The Winners The Othe 'Winner'
 The magnificent trophy!  The Winners! - Bruce, Bill and the Janes Julie, the 'Fewest Points' Winner


Easter Village Walk - April 2018

Despite a week of foreboding forecasts for Easter Monday, even on the day before, 30 or so walkers, children and dogs gathered at the Village Hall to enjoy a rain-free (albeit, somewhat muddy!) tour of the Colne Valley and the Bluebell Wood (except there was not one to be seen - delayed by weeks of cold weather!). The rain returned during the post-walk refreshments but, by then, everyone had had a great time and nobody cared...

EW1  EW2  EW3 
The advance party walking down to Hulls Mill... the ford, where the Colne was well in flood. Setting off alongside the river...
Brian and Ann returning down Purls Hill... join those walking towards Barratts Hall. Sophie with Phoebe in the churchyard.


Christmas Village Walk - December 2017

The forecast was dire, the snow was falling fast, but 20 or so intrepid walkers (and 2 dogs) braved the elements for a bracing post-Christmas tour of Greater Maplestead, rounded off with welcoming glasses of mulled wine, sandwiches, sausage rolls and mince pies in the Village Hall later. Thanks and well done to everyone who made the effort to support the event...

Xmas Walkers Xmas Walkers 2
The White Walkers braving the elements... Dayglo boots were a help keeping track!




Decorating the Village Christmas Tree - December 2017

On the 1st December people gathered with baubles to decorate the Village Christmas Tree, the first to be lit in the village and the start of a Christmas Tree Trail, with trees lit all the way through to Christmas Eve.

Tree Lighting 1  Tree Lighting 2  Tree Lighting 3  Tree Lighting 4 
 The bauble-bearers gather...  Placing the decorations...  Admiring the tree...  ...alight for all December









If you have a picture of your contribution to the Christmas Tree Trail, please e-mail it to and it will be added it to this page in due course.



Harvest Village Walk - October 2017

By the time the surprisingly large party of intrepid walkers, children, dogs and ponies set off on their 4-mile tour of the parish and its environs, the earlier rain had stopped. Although the skies remained grey, it was warm and the walk was enjoyed by all...

 HW 17 1  HW17 2 HW17 3  HW17 4 
Pausing for a chat...  ...after climbing Link Hills. Noah and Moses were looking forward to the walk...  ...although Noah hadn't bargained on carrying Sophie!
HW17 5 HW17 6  HW17 7  HW17 8
The ponies (with Sophie & Poppy), dogs and people...  ...enjoying a drink at the half-way point.  The last uphill stretch...  ...before reaching the Village Hall




Autumn Show - September 2017

The Maplesteads' annual autumn opportunity for a bit of friendly competition in the fields of horticulture, crafts, cooking and photography...

 Autumn Show Autumn Show   Autumn Show Autumn Show
 Carol introducing the Committee.  There were plants...  ...and delightful flower arrangments... ...some with an Autumn theme...
Autumn Show Autumn Show Autumn Show
...and some which were very delicate and small. There was a wide range of craft entries... ...which featured some very delicate work...
Autumn Show Autumn Show
...and there was the usual range of produce and cakes. The prize-winners with their trophies.


A list of the various prize-winners can be found here.



Boules on the Playing Field - July 2017

A lazy summer Sunday al fresco on the Playing Field with a distinctively French twist; the wine flowed, ice-creams were enjoyed and a hot afternoon of even hotter competiton ensued. The eventual winners were Team 1 (Steve & the Martins C & E)...

 Boules 1 Boules 2  Boules 4  Boules 7
Boules is a serious business! Judge Joe had to be called in to adjudicate on many occasions... Martin C attempting to out-psyche James before a crucial match... Keith being advised of the finer points of boules etiquette by the Jills... ...while the Rices just came along for the picnic.
Boules 6 Boules 3 Boules 5
By half-time, Team 1 had established a lead they were never to relinquish... Martin E & Gaynor getting refreshed during the break, while Philippa, Dierdre & Sara share the sausage rolls... The final few ends were played out as the late afternoon shadows lengthened...



5th Annual Beer Festival - April 2017

Another year and another well-appreciated 2-day social event to raise money for the Village Hall - with music, Morris Dancing, lots of different beers and, this year, Prosecco!

Beer Festival Programme

Beer Festival 2


Half-a-Whopper's Ian gets bluesy amongst the barrels...

Beer Festival 2


...whilst Andy shows Chairman Dave some interesting chord shapes


Beer Festival 4


On Sunday the Belchamp Morris Men were back, by popular demand.



Easter Village Walk - April 2017

More fine weather - it's a special arrangement we have(!) - saw a 50-strong walking party (plus many assorted dogs) complete a 4-mile circuit of the parish, taking in a fine display of bluebells on the way...

 EVW Apr 17 EVW Apr 17  EVW Apr 17 
 Rolo revelled in his walk with Sophie...  Phillipa & Joseph enjoyed the sun...  The bluebells were out in force in Purlshill Wood...
EVW Apr 17 EVW Apr 17 EVW Apr 17
 The drinks stop offered a welcome, thirst-quenching break... Ann &  Howard out in the wilds...  Angela in deep discussion en route...



Christmas Village Walk - December 2016

A stunningly sunny winter's day encouraged a record number of participants (50+) to gather to walk off their Christmas calories (only to put more on consuming sandwiches, sausage rolls, mince pies and mulled wine at the end...).

CVW 16 4 CVW 16 1
Setting Out The traditional 'half-way' refreshments...
 CVW 2016 2  CVW 2016 3
 ...gave everyone the chance for a breather and a chat.  Poppy and Phoebe enjoyed the walk too



Second Advent Windows Spectacular - December 2016

After last year's successful initiative: another selection of Christmas-themed displays around the village, launched and lit sequentially during the December days of Advent...

XW 01   XW 02  XW 03  XW 04
 Day 1 - Village Christmas Tree  Day 2 - Oh Star of Wonder, Star of Light  Day 3 - O Christmas Tree  Day 4 - Step Into Christmas
XW 05  XW 06  XW 07
 Day 5 - We Three Kings  Day 6 - Santa's Reindeer  Day 7 - Three Christmas Trees
XW 08 XW 09  XW 10
 Day 8 - The Twelve Days of Christmas  Day 9 - Angels from the Realms of Glory  Day 10 - In The Bleak Mid-Winter
XW 11 XW 12 XW 13
Day 11 - While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night Day 12 - Mistletoe & Wine Day 13 - Jingle Bells
XW 14 XW 15 XW 16A
 Day 14 - Blue Christmas  Day 15 - We Saw Three Ships  Day 16 - Cosy Christmas
XW 17 XW 18 XW 19
Day 17 - Winter Wonderland Day 18 - Away in a Manger Day 19 - More Shepherds, More Sheep
XW 20  XW 21  XW 22  
Day 20 - Five Gold Rings  Day 21 - Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire  Day 22 - Little Drummer Boy (Peace on Earth)  




Harvest Village Walk - October 2016

Another warm, sunny day for the second Autumn Harvest Walk - one enjoyed by dogs and people alike...

 Harvest Village Walk 1  Harvest Village Walk 2  Harvest Village Walk 3
Brain & Joan ready for the off.  It was a beautiful day...  ...with some spectacular clouds!
Harvest Village Walk 4 Harvest Village Walk 5 Harvest Village Walk 6 Harvest Village Walk 7
There was interesting wildlife to spot for the quiz... well as a scary sculpture! Simon & Julie obviously had a good time... did Sophie & Phoebe.



Flower Show - September 2016

An annual opportunity for a bit of friendly competition in the fields of horticulture, crafts and cooking...

Flower Show Flower Show Flower Show
 The produce was scrutinised... find the best fruit, vegetables, eggs...  ...and cooked confections.
Flower Show Flower Show Flower Show Flower Show
 Flower arrangements...  ...of various sorts were on display.  Philippa won a prize with this.  There were cakes aplenty too...
Flower Show Flower Show  
 Denise (O'C) was a prize-winner for her flower arrangement...  ...and Denise (T) was a double-winner for her watercolours.  

A full list of the various winners can be found here.



Celebrating the Queen's 90th Birthday

A day of fun, festivities, a barbeque and spectacular fireworks to mark a very special occasion...

Poster QB - Events Programme
QB - Tug-of-War QB - Maplestead Mincers QB - Graham's Royal Car

Afternoon events: the ladies tug-of-war...

... Morris dancing by the Maplestead Mincers...

and Graham's 'Royal Rolls'.
Connie & Dorothy Wheelbarrows 1 Wheelbarrows 2 Wheelbarrows 3 Wheelbarrows 4
Connie & Dorothy, Maplestead's own royalty...

...watching the decorated wheelbarrow competition.

Mary's fine exhibit...  ...and while Sophie & Julie went for balloons...

...these Princesses decided flowers worked best.

BBQ The Cooks Carving the lamb

The three lamb spit-roast barbeque was the focus of the evening's events...

The cooks, Ian & Joe, being chivvied into action by Ann...

...and finally getting down to the serious carving.
The catering staff Tucking in
These ladies looked after the catering so well... ...that everyone enjoyed a really great evening.



4th Annual Beer Festival - April/May 2016

A well-appreciated, and very well-attended, 2-day social event to raise money for the Village Hall - with music, Morris Dancing and lots of different beers!

Beer Festival



Celebrations at the Saturday opening...

Morris Men


Belchamp Morris Men dancing on the Sunday...

Beer Festival Beer Festival Half a Whopper
The Saturday evening scene... Dancing to the music... Half a Whopper (Ian & Andy) live in the Marquee...



Easter Village Walk - March 2016

Cancelled, due to Storm Katie...  This was the fallen tree blocking the route at St Mary's!

Tree down 1   Tree down 2
 Looking up Toldishall Road towards Barretts Hall...  Looking down Toldishall Road towards the brook...



Magic Night - March 2016

A great success: £650 raised for the Herts & Essex Air Ambulance and a good time had by a capacity crowd in the Village Hall...

 Appreciative Audience Magic in the air  Cutting edge 
 An appreciative full-house...  Sophie helping with a rope trick...  Julie being sawn in half...
 EAA Certificate  



Christmas Village Walk - December 2015

A dry, sunny day and a great opportunity to walk off those excess Christmas calories...

 Crossing the field  Refreshment stop  
 Crossing the field towards Byham Hall...  Mid-way 'refreshments'...  
Curious horses    
Curious horses...    



Advent Windows Spectacular - December 2015

An interesting and original initiative: 24 windows around the village, decorated with Christmas themes and lit sequentially during the December days of Advent...

 1st Noel Hark the Herald Angels        Angels from the Realms 
 1st - The First Noel - what else?  2nd - Hark the Herald Angels Sing  3rd - Angels from the Realms of Glory
Away in a Manger It Came Upon... Mary Had a Baby Boy Silent Night
4th - Away in a Manger 5th - It Came Upon a Midnight Clear 6th - Mary Had a Baby Boy 7th - Silent Night, Holy Night
Holly & Ivy Ding Dong Merrily         Rudolph I Saw 3 Ships
8th - The Holly and the Ivy 9th - Ding Dong Merrily on High 10th - Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer 11th - I Saw Three Ships...
O Little Town I'm Dreaming... Carol of the Drum
12th - O Little Town of Bethlehem 14th - I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas 15th - The Carol of the Drum
We Three Kings... God Rest Ye Merry... When Santa...      
16th - We Three Kings of Orient Are 17th - God Rest Ye Merry... 18th - When Santa Got Stuck Down the Chimney
O Christmas Tree In The Bleak... Spaceman Away in a Manger
19th - O Christmas Tree... 20th - In The Bleak Midwinter 23rd - A Spaceman Came Travelling 25th - Away in a Manger


Apologies to those whose windows/displays were unable to be featured due to the absence of a decent quality photo - if you have one, please forward it by e-mail it to and it will be added it to the page in due course.



Autumn Harvest Village Walk - October 2015

A warm, sunny day for the inaugural Harvest Walk - enjoyed by dogs and people alike and ending with an al fresco picnic...

On road   and off
 Walkers and dogs on road...  ...and off...
Al fresco picnic
Al fresco refreshments at the finish



Blooms in Maplestead - June 2015

Great Maplestead decorated inside and out in a celebration of Summer...

 Decorated plough  Font flowers
 Decorated plough under the village oak tree...  Flowers in the font at St Giles'...
 Entrance display  WI entry
 Display in the Church entrance...  WI Black & White display...


...and there was a car show too.

Cars 1  Cars 2 
 Caterham; MGA; Vauxhall Viva; AC Cobra replica; Ford Popular  Mercedes Convertible; Mazda MX5 Roadster; TVR
 Cars 3  Cars 4
                          Morris Minor; Lancia Delta Integrale  Lotus Elan 2+2 restoration project; Hillman Super Minx; Morgan