Great Maplestead's Playing Field, owned and operated by the Parish Council, is dedicated as an Open Space for the enjoyment of parishioners and others;

Lottery logoA major £110,000 re-development of the Playing Field and its facilities, to improve and future-proof this valuable asset for the benefit of the whole community, was boosted in November 2022 by the award of a £75,000 grant from the National Lottery Community Fund, which enabled the project to be delivered. on schedule, during Spring/Summer 2023.

More information about the project, together with an outline breakdown of its funding sources, can be found here.

New field drains were installed in the summer of 2022, to alleviate historic water-logging problems.

The completed first major part of the project, the children's new play area, was officially opened on 8th May 2023 as part of Great Maplestead's Coronation celebrations. Pictures of the event can be found here.

The completed second major part of the project, the 'Access-for-All'/Daily Mile perimeter footpath, was officially opened on 21st July 2023 by children from St Giles' School at the end of their summer term. Pictures and details of the event can be found here.

Summary of Conditions of Playing Field Use:

All users must respect the Playing Field and the surrounding area and cause no damage to trees, the car park, recycling bins, hedges, fences, furniture, the Children’s Play Area or the pitches.

Playing Field

      Activities Permitted:

Activities NOT Permitted:


        Children’s games


        Ball games (except golf and organised football team games)   

        Small informal gatherings

        Casual games

        Formalised games (but only with prior Council permission*)

        Organised events (but only with prior Council permission*)

        Dog walking (Note: see General Conditions below)

Car driving/motorcycle riding

Golf practice of any kind

Ground based fires or barbecues

Flying of powered model aircraft

Bonfires and/or firework displays

Horse riding, shooting or archery

Music concerts

Overnight parking and camping (without Council permission*)

ANY that are dangerous, noxious, offensive, illegal or immoral


*Permission requests must be made to the Parish Clerk.


Children's Play Area

Small children should be supervised by an adult at all times.

No dogs, bicycles, glass or alcohol are permitted within the Play Area.

Any dangerous or misuse of the Play Area, or damage to its equipment, should be reported to the Council immediately.

The latest RoSPA Play Safety Inspection Report can be viewed here.


Users of the Playing Field and the Children’s Play Area are requested to:

    • leave their cars in the designated car park
    • take litter home with them (or use the litter bins provided)
    • most importantly, show consideration for neighbouring residents

Dog walkers must:

    • keep their dogs under close control at all times
    • put them on a lead while in the vicinity of children or when any formalised games/organised events are taking place
    • bag dog fæces immediately and put the bag in the dog waste bin provided.


Full Terms & Conditions for both Casual and Organised Use of the Playing Field can be found here.