Great Maplestead Parish Council has 3 noticeboards displaying Council Information located at:
1. St Giles Church, Church St - located on the verge to the left hand side of the gates
2. Toldishall, Toldishall Rd - located on verge of T-junction with Lucking Street
3. Dynes Hall Rd - located on south side of the verge, 300m east of the junction with Purls Hill
The first two have an unlocked section for village notices/event adverts - the Dynes Hall Road one doesn't. Please do not affix any promotional material to the glass doors.
The Council regularly submits information/news/updates to the monthly Parish News Magazine (circulated to the Parishes of Great & Little Maplestead, Gestingthorpe & Pebmarsh).
Between Council meetings a regular e-newsletter, the Maplestead Magna Carta, is also produced, featuring news of interest and importance to the Parish and making the Council's business more transparent and accountable.
A Village Information Board is located in the Playing Field car park.
It provides both residents and casual visitors to Great Maplestead with information about the village, local footpath walks and places of interest.
A Braintree District Council Glass Re-cycling Facility is also located in the Playing Field
car park, positioned away from any adjacent buildings in order to minimise noise and keep undue disturbance in general to a minimum.
For the consideration of residents living in properties close to the car park, this facility should only be used between 8.00am - 8.00pm.
If the facility is full and unable to accept further bottle or glass deposits, an alternative disposal site should be sought. Leaving bottles and glass around the base of the facility not only presents a risk of injury to people using the Playing Field but is also classed as fly-tipping, which is a criminal offence carrying fines ranging between £75 and £2,500.
There are three Post Boxes in the village, located at:
1. Church St - half-way down, next to the bench outside Croft Cottages.
Latest Collections: Mon-Fri 4.15pm; Sat 9.00am
2. Toldishall Rd - at the T-junction with Lucking St.
Latest Collections: Mon-Fri 9.00am; Sat 7.00am
3. Purls Hill - at the junction with Dynes Hall Rd
Latest Collections: Mon-Fri 9.00am; Sat 7.00am
Rehab 4 Addiction - - is a website that offers guidence and support for people experiencing problems with substance misuse and co-occuring mental health problems. For enquiries or further information call free, in confidence, 0800 140 4690
For free advice and help to access Services & Information, including MOBILITY ISSUES, HEALTHY LIVING, BENEFITS, CARE SUPPORT and PENSIONS
Please contact our COMMUNITY AGENT: Jayne Laken
Tel: 07540 720 607 or 01376 574 341 or e-mail:
More detailed information about Community Agents Essex can be found here.
Information about other Community Support initiatives in Braintree District can be found here.
The local Community Officers with responsibility for The Maplesteads are:
PC 2613 Andy Pilgrim | e-mail: |
PC 2457 Paul Norman | e-mail: |
PCSO 70714 John Thorne | e-mail: |
PCSO 70955 Joanne Cooper | e-mail: |
These officers are the initial points of contact for any community concerns.
Local Police can be contacted on 101 for reporting non-emergency issues, such as anti-social behaviour.
For Emergencies however, always dial 999