Great Maplestead is located in North Essex, close to the Suffolk border, and has around 360 residents

  • In 2016 the village won its Class (for communities of fewer than 400 inhabitants) in theEssex Village of the Year Award 2016 Essex Village of the Year competition, promoted by the Rural Community Council of Essex
  • In 2017 the village won a Merit Award in this annual competition
  • The Parish Council is the first tier of local government.
  • In Great Maplestead there are 7 Parish Councillors, who are elected every 4 years.
  • If you wish to contact a member of the Parish Council, you will find details on the Parish Councillor information page. Alternatively you should contact the Parish Clerk

This website not only provides details about the Parish Council but it also has information on various village and community amenities, services, organisations, events and activities.

If you have any information that you think should be included, please let the Clerk know.

The buttons on the main toolbar can be used to navigate/select and view the information on the website.

Please check the News page for any recent public announcements and local information.


Community Cost of Living Liaison Group

A Parish Council-backed Community Cost of Living Liaison Group has been set up to combine advice from the Government, District and County Councils with practical, local exchanges of information that will allow residents to benefit from community support and share ideas and help each other. Find out much more here


Coming Up...

Friday Evenings until the 23rd August: Social Boules – on the Playing Field Boules Court. From 5.00–7.00pm (weather permitting). All welcome, whether to play or just socialise. BYO chairs/nibbles/drinks.

Sunday 21st July: Navigational Scatter Event - from the Village Hall. Enjoy a quiet drive in the country, answer a few questions and possibly win a prize! Entry 12 cars; maximum of 4 participants/car – entry £8/person. Breakfast/briefing at 9.15am; start 10.00am; lunch & prize-giving 1.00pm. Poster with more information here, or contact Steve Harris (01787 462 818)

Information about all future social events can be found here.









Important Information

Notice of a Casual Vacancy

The Parish Council currently has a Councillor Vacancy - information about what being a Councillor entails, along with details about how to apply for the position, can be found here.

The applications deadline was 28th June 2024 so the process is now closed.


General Election - July 4th 2024

Some essential information about voting in the upcoming election can be found here


If you would like to receive information about the Council's activities, regular Meeting Agendas, Minutes, the Maplestead Magna Carta and, exceptionally, any urgent community information, please complete the required fields on the How to Get in Touch page or send the Parish Clerk your e-mail address: this will not appear, be disclosed or be distributed to any third party and will not be used for any other purpose. If you have not already done so, you will need to complete, sign and return a copy of our Consent Form to allow us to use your personal data - our Privacy Notice details why we need and how we use such data and explains your rights regarding your personal data.





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